
The Wootan Way refers to things we do or techniques we have personally developed that are unbelievable, odd, or even impressive to others in kind of a 'redneck creative' way.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I have found that the fastest way to test all your smoke detectors in your home, and by all I mean all of them simultaneously, is to use a pound of meat.
The other day I was aiming to make a wonderful home-made stew with lean, free range, hormone-free, American made beef. Lovingly butchered by my own husband. (The Wootan Way probably.) I had sauted the meat first, had a little time to kill before moving on to the next step, so I turned the burner off (or so I thought) and went to rest a few minutes since the baby was asleep and the house was calm. Soon I hear Shane exclaim, "Sarah! What is that smell?" I jump up, run down the hall, just as every single smoke alarm begins to wail. The baby woke up. Her big sisters run upstairs from their TV glutony and begin running around like it's a fun party. Nothing was ruined but my lovely, wonderful perfect new stock pot with a limited lifetime warranty (that does not cover user error.) Baby Tara and her Teradactyl-like tendencies must have felt comfortable with the noise because she just smiled at her sisters the whole time I was running around throwing open doors and windows. Or maybe it was because the smoke alarm sound reminded her of my singing. I can't say for sure.

1 comment:

  1. NICE! You need more pics on the blog --- maybe some fun font... jazz it up a TINY bit. Sorry about your crock. Pot. Head.
    We need a jewelry day!!!
